Monday, 25 February 2008

Shoot Ogawao

Stu's Comments: Started with cards, then coins, then cards, then coins, then thimbles. For me the thimbles routine was worth alone worth coming to Blackpool. Unfortunately by the time I got to him he'd sold all of his thimbles DVD's :( 9.9/10
Matt's comments: He shoot's he scores! Flippin’ heck! This guy is goooood I loved all of his routines, my favorite was 1 where, he had 8 different black cards and morphed them all into red cards! I managed to speak to him about my ever struggling muscle pass and he was so nice and genuine! 9.5/10.
Geoff's comments: Before the lecture the camera panned between the spectators and everyone wanted to do something fun for the crowd, which really helped with the feel of the room. Shoot - WOW, blew everybody away 9.5/10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David Stone, Greg Wilson and Shoot are my three fav performers.

Shoot is down at my club tonight so I'll catch his lecture then I can't wait!