Friday, 19 September 2008
IBM Convention Eastbourne 2008
Well another major convention since Blackpool is just around the corner and yes it will be blogged. The address for Eastbourne IBM Magic Convention 2008 is so give it a click starting the 24th September to find out what's hot and not from the magic bloggers Stuart, Geoff and Matt!! See you there!
Thursday, 28 February 2008
A big Thank You to Peter Jenkins for supplying the blog with these excellent professional photos!
More coming Soon. To see more of Peters great work, visit! - and contact him on
(Photo: Danny Hunt & Annette)
Monday, 25 February 2008
Final thoughts
Stu: An excellent convention. The highlight lecturers for me were David Stone & Shoot Ogawao. If I never hear tie a yellow ribbon... It would be too soon. I've had a fabulous time; the only thing I'd like to change is to add a dealer’s location map to the programme. Many times I heard people asking "Do you know where _______ is?" Also there seemed to be very little advertising of the dealers upstairs, poor Paul Gordon had to spend a night in the Ruskin drinking and doing card tricks to make sure he had lots of visitors at his stand the next day. Overall rating 10/10.
Geoff: This year it was up to its usual standard, good times had by all. It would be helpful to have a brief description of what the lectures would be focused on in the programme. During some of the acts in the sat and sun shows it has been difficult to see certain acts due to low lighting of the stage. See you next year, from the oldest blogger in town! Overall Rating 10/10.
Matt: First of all a big thank you goes to Stuart and Geoff for all the work they've put into the blog. Thank you to Geoff for booking everything, even though the hotel was pink! Thank you again to Stuart for doing an excellent job driving and listening to my probably very dull stories. I think having 3 different opinions, has given you all a view of our time at the convention. I hope you have enjoyed reading our blog, PLEASE do COMMENT on what you thought of the blog and the convention. More photos will be added very soon!
So what did I think? .... Well an excellent convention overall with the highlights for me being David Stone and Shoot Ogawao. My dislikes of the convention were Fukai and Scott and Muriel! Also can I suggest If you're watching a lecture at Blackpool sit next to someone you don't know and say hello. I think we would all learn something new from this. It then also sorts out the problem of an empty number of seats with 1 person sat at each end. We were going to name and shame the pushers and shovers but to be honest I can't be bothered to type them all. Would it hurt to say sorry in the dealer’s hall?! It was great meeting lots of magicians I hadn't already! And I hope to see you all again next year. My overall rating is 9/10.
Geoff: This year it was up to its usual standard, good times had by all. It would be helpful to have a brief description of what the lectures would be focused on in the programme. During some of the acts in the sat and sun shows it has been difficult to see certain acts due to low lighting of the stage. See you next year, from the oldest blogger in town! Overall Rating 10/10.
Matt: First of all a big thank you goes to Stuart and Geoff for all the work they've put into the blog. Thank you to Geoff for booking everything, even though the hotel was pink! Thank you again to Stuart for doing an excellent job driving and listening to my probably very dull stories. I think having 3 different opinions, has given you all a view of our time at the convention. I hope you have enjoyed reading our blog, PLEASE do COMMENT on what you thought of the blog and the convention. More photos will be added very soon!
So what did I think? .... Well an excellent convention overall with the highlights for me being David Stone and Shoot Ogawao. My dislikes of the convention were Fukai and Scott and Muriel! Also can I suggest If you're watching a lecture at Blackpool sit next to someone you don't know and say hello. I think we would all learn something new from this. It then also sorts out the problem of an empty number of seats with 1 person sat at each end. We were going to name and shame the pushers and shovers but to be honest I can't be bothered to type them all. Would it hurt to say sorry in the dealer’s hall?! It was great meeting lots of magicians I hadn't already! And I hope to see you all again next year. My overall rating is 9/10.
Gala show!
Ok, so the last item in the programme was the gala show on the Sunday
night! After each act we gave the performance a rating out of 10.
S=Stu, M=Matt, and G=Geoff. Example: S9,M1,G7.
night! After each act we gave the performance a rating out of 10.
S=Stu, M=Matt, and G=Geoff. Example: S9,M1,G7.
Mahka Tendo: S9,M8.5,G10.
Rafael: S9,M9,G8.
Antje Pode: S9,M9,G9.
Scott and Muriel Part1: S5,M5,G6.
David Sousa: S6,M7,G9.
Valerie: S6,M4,G6.
Topas Part1: S9,M9,G9.
***Interval AKA Magnum time***
Yamagami Brothers: S6,M9,G7.
Scott and Muriel Part2: S5,M4,G6.
Topas Part2: S8,M9,G8.
Shimada: S7,M7,G9.
(Photo: Shimada)
Richard Sanders
Stu: My thoughts and Prayers were with RS as I was helping Mel Harvey pack up his dealers stall.
Matt: Richard performed a number of his very visual rope maneuvers along with a very clean and cleaver self working card revelation performed behind his back. There were also a number of effects using spray mount, very visual and very good. The only thing I didn't like was... I was hanging around in the hall taking notes, and Richard didn't seem to want to meet his hardcore fans! 8/10.
Geoff: He showed us very do-able magic and he liked quick and direct tricks, something for everyone. His professor’s nightmare work was par- excellence. 9.5/10.
Matt: Richard performed a number of his very visual rope maneuvers along with a very clean and cleaver self working card revelation performed behind his back. There were also a number of effects using spray mount, very visual and very good. The only thing I didn't like was... I was hanging around in the hall taking notes, and Richard didn't seem to want to meet his hardcore fans! 8/10.
Geoff: He showed us very do-able magic and he liked quick and direct tricks, something for everyone. His professor’s nightmare work was par- excellence. 9.5/10.
Kostya Kimlat
Routines: cards and roadrunner cull.Stu's comments: Kosta wasn't selling coffee today he was selling his roadrunner DVD. It’s amazing! Its hard to believe you can do so much so quickly. He goes into the smallest detail in his explanation and I would strongly recommend!
Matt's Comments: I really liked this lecture it was very interesting to see how Kostya would talk and demo his tricks that he uses in his real life gigs! Culling here I come! 8/10.
Matt's Comments: I really liked this lecture it was very interesting to see how Kostya would talk and demo his tricks that he uses in his real life gigs! Culling here I come! 8/10.
Shoot Ogawao
Stu's Comments: Started with cards, then coins, then cards, then coins, then thimbles. For me the thimbles routine was worth alone worth coming to Blackpool. Unfortunately by the time I got to him he'd sold all of his thimbles DVD's :( 9.9/10
Matt's comments: He shoot's he scores! Flippin’ heck! This guy is goooood I loved all of his routines, my favorite was 1 where, he had 8 different black cards and morphed them all into red cards! I managed to speak to him about my ever struggling muscle pass and he was so nice and genuine! 9.5/10.
Geoff's comments: Before the lecture the camera panned between the spectators and everyone wanted to do something fun for the crowd, which really helped with the feel of the room. Shoot - WOW, blew everybody away 9.5/10.
Matt's comments: He shoot's he scores! Flippin’ heck! This guy is goooood I loved all of his routines, my favorite was 1 where, he had 8 different black cards and morphed them all into red cards! I managed to speak to him about my ever struggling muscle pass and he was so nice and genuine! 9.5/10.
Geoff's comments: Before the lecture the camera panned between the spectators and everyone wanted to do something fun for the crowd, which really helped with the feel of the room. Shoot - WOW, blew everybody away 9.5/10.
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Sun morning!
Stu's comments: Very entertaining, lots of anecdotes and pro tips. Geoffrey Durham also discussed his rhythm method! 9/10. Geoff's comments: A lot of book plugging and knocking of that other little TV magician (All in good Fun) 9.5/10
YES!!! By the way, Monster Creations Ade Gower said "Matt Parro is the best magician i've see at this convention!" not a bad compliment. You can get an excellent website built with Monster creations here >
(Photo: Wayne D, Terry S, Geoffrey D.)
Fooling us magicians
Andi Gladwin fooled at least 100 people with using a miniature deck. It was erotic.
Sundays line up
9.30 am - 10:30 am Star Lecture by Helder Guimaraes from Portugal. 
10.45 am - 11:45 pm “Kidz R Us” Lecture by Colonel Custard (Paul Megram)
10.45 am - 11:45 pm An Audience with Geoffrey Durham and Wayne Dobson
11.00 am - 12:15 pm International Close-up Magic
12.15 pm - 1:15 pm Star Lecture by Shoot Ogawao from Japan
1.30 pm - 2:30 pm International Close-up Magic - Second Session
1.45 pm - 2:45pm Star Lecture by Kostya Kimlat from the U.S.A.
3.15 pm - 4:15 pm Star Lecture by Michael Close from U.S.A.
4.00 pm - 5:00 pm International Close-up Magic - Third Session
7.00 pm International Gala Show
10.45 pm After Gala Show
(Photo: Michael Close)
10.45 am - 11:45 pm “Kidz R Us” Lecture by Colonel Custard (Paul Megram)
10.45 am - 11:45 pm An Audience with Geoffrey Durham and Wayne Dobson
11.00 am - 12:15 pm International Close-up Magic
12.15 pm - 1:15 pm Star Lecture by Shoot Ogawao from Japan
1.30 pm - 2:30 pm International Close-up Magic - Second Session
1.45 pm - 2:45pm Star Lecture by Kostya Kimlat from the U.S.A.
3.15 pm - 4:15 pm Star Lecture by Michael Close from U.S.A.
4.00 pm - 5:00 pm International Close-up Magic - Third Session
7.00 pm International Gala Show
10.45 pm After Gala Show
(Photo: Michael Close)
Saturday Afternoon - Evening
J.J. Sanvert
Stuarts's Comments: He started off with a nice money routine featuring silver from bill, pen through bill, bill to Babybel, and finally a bill switch that consisted of 1 £20 note, to 2 £10 notes. He then moved on to card routines. Invisible aces to royal flush, then signed card to 4 aces and Cannibal cards. Quite an interesting and informative lecture, but did spend a little too long explaining basics. 7/10.
Matt's Comments: Some interesting ideas, but does taking foil out of a thumb tip really need to last 15mins! Does this warrant such a long explanation, my answer is NO, but if yours is yes you're at the wrong convention. 5/10.
Geoff's Comments: Very Good 8.5/10.
J.C. Wagner
Stuarts Comments: He started off with Logical Progression. He then moved on to card printing routine, and then to his opening routine. For me it was a little dry and would therefore warrant a rating of 6/10.
Matt's Comments: loved his performance in the close-up session but this guy bored me to hell, ok I missed the beginning - yes I do realise that sounds familiar. Unfortunately J.C, was very dreary and although I probably would have enjoyed his routines, I could not pay attention for longer that the first 3 minutes. 4/10.
Geoff was A.W.O.L.
Dave Allen
We didn't attend his lecture as he lectured at the Sussex Magic Circle recently. So in reviewing Dave Allen I'm not a children’s entertainer and it’s far from my type of magic, however Dave's lecture is very entertaining and enjoyable. 8.5/10
Lior Manor
This lecture started with his demonstrations with his computer software, including Knights Tour and Celebrity Prediction. He then performed and explained his PK Touches routine; to me this was no different to Banachek's. 5/10.
Matt's Comments: I had already seen his lecture in Nov at the international convention. So decided to spend some cash.
Geoff was still missing! - Have you seen him?
Geoffrey Durham
Started with a dictionary book test, he then explained his magic squares routine, moved on to Hindu thread, and ended with a numbered block routine. During his lecture he described his magical thinking and the whole lecture was excellent. 9.5/10.
Matt's Comments: This is the first time I had seen GD live, I found him easy to watch and he had some good routines, although none of these seemed to suit me! And this was not this first time we had seen the Hindu thread explanation in the convention so far. A request to lecturers from me, will you please stop explaining it, because I’ve seen it at every convention so far. 7/10.
We've given up on Geoff.
UK vs. Rest Of The World Show
Here are our ratings:

Bob Wooding - UK - S8,M7,G8.5
Danny Hunt & Annette - UK - S6.5,M6,G7.5
Graham Jolley - UK - S7,M9,G9
Brian Sefton - UK - S7,M6,G10
Jon Archer - UK - S10,M8.5,G10
Martyn James - UK - S5,M6,G9
Fukai - Japan - S2,M1,G6
Rafael - Belgium - S10,M9.5,G10
Shawn Farquhar - Canada - S9,M8,G8
Roxanne - Germany - S7,M7,G9
Shimada - USA/Japan - S8,M8,G10
Topas - Germany - S9,M9,G9
The audience were the judge and voted for the rest of the world as the winners!
(Photo: From top to bottom: Geoffrey Durham, Danny Hunt)
Stuarts's Comments: He started off with a nice money routine featuring silver from bill, pen through bill, bill to Babybel, and finally a bill switch that consisted of 1 £20 note, to 2 £10 notes. He then moved on to card routines. Invisible aces to royal flush, then signed card to 4 aces and Cannibal cards. Quite an interesting and informative lecture, but did spend a little too long explaining basics. 7/10.
Matt's Comments: Some interesting ideas, but does taking foil out of a thumb tip really need to last 15mins! Does this warrant such a long explanation, my answer is NO, but if yours is yes you're at the wrong convention. 5/10.
Geoff's Comments: Very Good 8.5/10.
J.C. Wagner
Stuarts Comments: He started off with Logical Progression. He then moved on to card printing routine, and then to his opening routine. For me it was a little dry and would therefore warrant a rating of 6/10.
Matt's Comments: loved his performance in the close-up session but this guy bored me to hell, ok I missed the beginning - yes I do realise that sounds familiar. Unfortunately J.C, was very dreary and although I probably would have enjoyed his routines, I could not pay attention for longer that the first 3 minutes. 4/10.
Geoff was A.W.O.L.
Dave Allen
We didn't attend his lecture as he lectured at the Sussex Magic Circle recently. So in reviewing Dave Allen I'm not a children’s entertainer and it’s far from my type of magic, however Dave's lecture is very entertaining and enjoyable. 8.5/10
Lior Manor
This lecture started with his demonstrations with his computer software, including Knights Tour and Celebrity Prediction. He then performed and explained his PK Touches routine; to me this was no different to Banachek's. 5/10.
Matt's Comments: I had already seen his lecture in Nov at the international convention. So decided to spend some cash.
Geoff was still missing! - Have you seen him?
Geoffrey Durham
Started with a dictionary book test, he then explained his magic squares routine, moved on to Hindu thread, and ended with a numbered block routine. During his lecture he described his magical thinking and the whole lecture was excellent. 9.5/10.
Matt's Comments: This is the first time I had seen GD live, I found him easy to watch and he had some good routines, although none of these seemed to suit me! And this was not this first time we had seen the Hindu thread explanation in the convention so far. A request to lecturers from me, will you please stop explaining it, because I’ve seen it at every convention so far. 7/10.
We've given up on Geoff.
UK vs. Rest Of The World Show
Here are our ratings:
Bob Wooding - UK - S8,M7,G8.5
Danny Hunt & Annette - UK - S6.5,M6,G7.5
Graham Jolley - UK - S7,M9,G9
Brian Sefton - UK - S7,M6,G10
Jon Archer - UK - S10,M8.5,G10
Martyn James - UK - S5,M6,G9
Fukai - Japan - S2,M1,G6
Rafael - Belgium - S10,M9.5,G10
Shawn Farquhar - Canada - S9,M8,G8
Roxanne - Germany - S7,M7,G9
Shimada - USA/Japan - S8,M8,G10
Topas - Germany - S9,M9,G9
The audience were the judge and voted for the rest of the world as the winners!
(Photo: From top to bottom: Geoffrey Durham, Danny Hunt)
Saturday, 23 February 2008
International close-up session
Unfortunately none of us managed to catch the whole of the session, so we want YOUR comments to see what we missed and what you thought?
Lack of interest - From Stu
Isn't it strange Illusioncraft have a new snow storm illusion they are launching here, I've been to their stand now 5 times asking for a demo as I was really interested. Now I’m rather disapointed as each time of been told to come back later because he is busy 'chatting'. Guess what? I ain't going back for a sixth. One lost sale, I know it's good to keep in touch with friends but someone tell Adam to get on Facebook instead of sacrificing sales :(
The children's entertainer world championships
Dave Allen 6/10.
David Ginn 7/10.
Andy Clockwise 6/10.
John Kimmons 8/10.
Jolly Roger 4/10.
Malcom the Magician 6.5/10.
(Photo: John Kimmons - Winner)
Sat Morning
We arrived at winter gardens at around 10am today we decided to skip the Martin Sanderson lecture as he cancelled his lecture at late notice for our club. This gave us time to have a look around the dealers (see picture - received anonymously) we even decided to skip David Solomon’s lecture if you managed to see his lecture please comment on this post.
Friday Nightlife
We arrived at winter gardens at around 10am today we decided to skip the Martin Sanderson lecture as he cancelled his lecture at late notice for our club. This gave us time to have a look around the dealers (see picture - received anonymously) we even decided to skip David Solomon’s lecture if you managed to see his lecture please comment on this post.
Chris Priest
Great lecture, many good routines starting with his master coin routine, which is like a 3 fly with 4 coins and a shell, very nice indeed. He then moved on to cards first with his ace reception and then super control. He ended with protons which links sponge balls and d'lites. Enjoyable, 7/10.
Shawn Farquhar
Excellent! Great magic great humor! "He likes it easy". This guy has worked the same cruise ship for 10 years which shows you how good he is. He started with a fabulous matrix routine with poker chips then showed how it could be done with coins, some lovely moves in that routine. Next were some clever ideas with CDs and dry wipe pens. He moved onto his omni deck routine and told how and why his omni deck was made differently. He discussed a great idea of having card suit shaped confetti fall from a deck to change it into a black deck. The last thing for me was the best, it was a torn and restored photo which is similar to Harlan's crazy 8 trick but soooo much stronger, I’ve had Harlan's trick for years and never used it, but I will go home and make this up. Rating 9/10.
David Stone
What can I say, he was fab! He started by showing the video of what not to do as a pro magician which I’m sure you've seen on Youtube ( There were glasses, bottles and shoes appearing, dropped coins jumping back into his hands and even strange uses for a packet of three available from you local pubs loo. It was packed in the lecture room everyone wanted to see this guy, a lot of people were wearing I hate David Stone shirts or stickers, and yet everyone there loved him. A few people I saw were a little bit put off by the language, (I mean swearing not the French) but even those few couldn't help but be impressed. 9/10 from me.
Matt said: Excellent lecture, very informative and great visual effects which were very well presented with video and music. 10/10.
Geoff said: Ces't magnifique! 9.8/10.
Although we appear to be staying in the pink palace, it's far from it, one of the funniest things of the trip so far is the sign in the bathroom that says 'Power' shower, should really be 'Trickle' Shower. And why is it that hotel shower curtains want to get so intimate?
(Photo: David Stone)
Chris Priest
Great lecture, many good routines starting with his master coin routine, which is like a 3 fly with 4 coins and a shell, very nice indeed. He then moved on to cards first with his ace reception and then super control. He ended with protons which links sponge balls and d'lites. Enjoyable, 7/10.
Shawn Farquhar
Excellent! Great magic great humor! "He likes it easy". This guy has worked the same cruise ship for 10 years which shows you how good he is. He started with a fabulous matrix routine with poker chips then showed how it could be done with coins, some lovely moves in that routine. Next were some clever ideas with CDs and dry wipe pens. He moved onto his omni deck routine and told how and why his omni deck was made differently. He discussed a great idea of having card suit shaped confetti fall from a deck to change it into a black deck. The last thing for me was the best, it was a torn and restored photo which is similar to Harlan's crazy 8 trick but soooo much stronger, I’ve had Harlan's trick for years and never used it, but I will go home and make this up. Rating 9/10.
David Stone
What can I say, he was fab! He started by showing the video of what not to do as a pro magician which I’m sure you've seen on Youtube ( There were glasses, bottles and shoes appearing, dropped coins jumping back into his hands and even strange uses for a packet of three available from you local pubs loo. It was packed in the lecture room everyone wanted to see this guy, a lot of people were wearing I hate David Stone shirts or stickers, and yet everyone there loved him. A few people I saw were a little bit put off by the language, (I mean swearing not the French) but even those few couldn't help but be impressed. 9/10 from me.
Matt said: Excellent lecture, very informative and great visual effects which were very well presented with video and music. 10/10.

Geoff said: Ces't magnifique! 9.8/10.
Although we appear to be staying in the pink palace, it's far from it, one of the funniest things of the trip so far is the sign in the bathroom that says 'Power' shower, should really be 'Trickle' Shower. And why is it that hotel shower curtains want to get so intimate?
(Photo: David Stone)
8pm Fri - European Magical Close-Up Championships
Matt - I attended the E.M.C.U.C whilst Stu and Geoff attended Chris Priest. The level of the competitors was extremely high, I was in the Spanish hall and the first 4 entrants were excellent. They have revealed the winner but I actually don’t know who won the comp but I would have chosen either Charming Choi, or Olmac - who performed some of the most visual colour/card changes I've ever seen and most of these were performed with upbeat music which really added to his act! I will post the winner tomorrow; I hope I'm right :)
6pm - Pattrick Przysiecki
Matt's comments - wow a lecture that I enjoyed all the way through. Peter was so easy to listen to and his magic was strong and had a modern touch and 99% of it was working material! Not magic for magicians which we see a lot of these days in lectures! He did 7 routines my favorite was an appearing 8 ball from card box card routine! 8/10.
Stu's comments - to come ... 8/10.
Geoff's comments - Mind-blowing! 8/10.
Stu's comments - to come ... 8/10.
Geoff's comments - Mind-blowing! 8/10.
Friday, 22 February 2008
Arriving in Blackpool & David Sousa Lecture
We have arrived in Blackpool, who would have thought that our hotel would be the only pink painted hotel in Blackpool. After registering we had a quick look around the dealers, it was packed! Went for a late lunch pizza and attended the David Sousa (4pm lecture which in my opinion was not the greatest opening for the convention! The room started off packed but within minutes people decided to leave, David's lecture was aimed at presenting a manipulation act. It gets an MP rating 3/10.
Stu's comments.
The first lecturer had something interesting to say, but hid it well. Rating 2/10. Basically he was saying if you're on stage make sure you can be seen which I know it seems obvious but I've seen international acts doing exactly what David was advising against. Also it was billed to last an hour; it started late and only lasted around 30 minutes.
Geoff's comment - A great magician, but needs to brush up on his lecturing! 3/10.
Stu's comments.
The first lecturer had something interesting to say, but hid it well. Rating 2/10. Basically he was saying if you're on stage make sure you can be seen which I know it seems obvious but I've seen international acts doing exactly what David was advising against. Also it was billed to last an hour; it started late and only lasted around 30 minutes.
Geoff's comment - A great magician, but needs to brush up on his lecturing! 3/10.
First day
So this is what we have planned for us today:
You'll have noticed on Matt's profile it says award winning magician and someone asked what the award was, he won third place in The Sussex Magic Circle's shortist hair competition, Giles was first place, then me, then Matt.
- 10.00 am Registration Desk Opens
- 1.00 pm - 9:00 pm Dealers Super Showcase Opens
- 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm Star Lecture by David Sousa
- 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm Star Lecture by Valerie
- 7.30 pm - 8.30 pm Star Lecture by Chris Priest
- 8.00 pm - 9.45 pm British Magical Close-Up Championships
- 8.45 pm - 9.45pm Star Lecture by Shawn Farquhar from Canada
- 10.00 pm Presentation of the European Magical Close-Up Championship
- 10.30 pm - 11.30 pm Star Lecture by David Stone from France
You'll have noticed on Matt's profile it says award winning magician and someone asked what the award was, he won third place in The Sussex Magic Circle's shortist hair competition, Giles was first place, then me, then Matt.
Not long now
After arriving in Southport for the 1 night stop off before getting to Blackpool, we had a fantastic Greek meal and then to an Irish pub for a drink and some live music. Believe it or not 1 of the guy’s songs was called the ace of hearts! Who would have thought it? Keep posted because tomorrow is when the real fun starts!
Thursday, 21 February 2008
On route
The sat nav states there is 176 miles to go, and Stuart’s futuristic car says there is only 162 miles worth of petrol remaining. Obviously this is the first live test, as I am reporting from the back of the car; you can see this from the photo above! So far silent Geoff, will be giving you his no holds barred view to the convention later on! So check back soon!
Saturday, 16 February 2008
About The Blackpool Magic Convention 2008 Blog
Hello and welcome to the first ever Live Blackpool Magic Convention Blog! This Blog will officially start on Thursday 21st of February, and will contain reviews, news and photos of this year's programme. Please leave comments and questions about the convention here and we'll try and get back to you as soon as possible!
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